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Diverse Burrowing Species

Burrowing Animals Common in Florida

Diverse Burrowing Species

Florida is home to a diverse array of burrowing animals that have adapted to the state's sandy soil and subtropical climate. These creatures play important ecological roles, aerating the soil and providing homes for other species.

Burrowing Owls

The burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia floridana) is a small, ground-dwelling owl found in open areas across Florida. Unlike other owl species that nest in trees, burrowing owls occupy the deserted burrows of other animals, such as gopher tortoises and armadillos.

Gopher Tortoises

Gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) are slow-moving, terrestrial turtles that create extensive burrow systems in sandy soils. These burrows provide shelter for a variety of other animals, including frogs, snakes, and even small mammals.


Armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) are armored mammals that dig deep burrows for shelter and nesting. They use their powerful claws to burrow into the soil, creating burrows that can reach depths of 3 feet or more.

Other Common Burrowers

Other common burrowing animals in Florida include rabbits, foxes, skunks, and raccoons. These animals utilize burrows for protection, nesting, and food storage.

Ecological Importance

Burrowing animals play a significant role in the Florida ecosystem by creating and maintaining habitats for other species. Their burrows provide shelter from predators, extreme weather, and temperature fluctuations.
